Life Sciences
sciences is a very dynamic subject. It introduces learners to the
world of living organisms, from microbes, though plants to the animals,
including their own bodies. A scientific and
experimental approach is encouraged, while the relevance of the
science to society at large and their local community, in particular,
is not neglected. This is one subject where excursions and hands-on
application are guaranteed.
Our world is becoming increasingly “scientific” and the marvels of DNA and evolution are revealed daily in the media; life science will provide the necessary background knowledge and often expert knowledge to understand and participate in current debates on these topics.
Lastly, the life sciences prepares learners for a wide range of study and employment opportunities ranging form lab-based work, for e.g. biochemistry, through to field-based work, for e.g. nature conservation, forensic science & marine biology.
Our world is becoming increasingly “scientific” and the marvels of DNA and evolution are revealed daily in the media; life science will provide the necessary background knowledge and often expert knowledge to understand and participate in current debates on these topics.
Lastly, the life sciences prepares learners for a wide range of study and employment opportunities ranging form lab-based work, for e.g. biochemistry, through to field-based work, for e.g. nature conservation, forensic science & marine biology.
The LIFE SCIENCES DEPARTMENT at the Cape Academy strives to deliver quality Life Sciences education through:
Life Sciences Educators
- A high standard of conceptual and content teaching
- A high standard of testing
- Hands-on practical work to explore concepts
- Excursions, eg Rocky Shore study, Two Oceans aquarium, Tygerberg Medical museum.
- One of the top performing schools in Life Sciences for the past few years (A symbols: 2014=23, 2013=15, 2012=26).
- Numerous gold, silver and bronze medals in the regional and national ESKOM Expo for Young Scientists competition over the past few years.
- In the SA Innovate competition in 2014 three Cape Academy groups went through to the semi finals and the winning group, growing Spirulina Algae, was also from the Academy.
- Eco-Club organic gardening project.
- Annual Participation in the Harmony Gold Life Sciences Olympiad. (Top Ten winner in 2009)
Life Sciences Educators