Learner Code of Conduct | Hostel Policy | Extra-Curricular Policy | Excursion Policy | Educator Code of Conduct
- CAMST actively encourages all students to participate in extra-curricular activities to promote students’ holistic development in accordance with our mission statement.
- Representing CAMST as a team, group or individual should be considered an honour and students are expected to display commitment, pride and dedication to their chosen activity and their school.
- It is our aim to involve as many learners as possible in extra-curricular activities, be that sport, culture, or co-curricular activities.
- Full school rules apply at all times.
- A spirit of goodwill and sportsmanship should be encouraged.
- It is the students’ responsibility to enquire from their subject teachers what work/tasks they have missed and arrange a submission date for this.
- Students are responsible for having appropriate gear/equipment, footwear and change of clothes.
- Students must wear full school uniform/tracksuit to all events unless instructed otherwise by the school.
- Parental involvement in training and coaching of teams is welcomed, subject to the approval of the school authorities.
- Parental support at events is also encouraged.
- The utmost respect must be shown to the necessary extra-curricular activities organisers and to the property of others when taking part in extra-curricular activities.
- Registration forms should include a record of all current extra-curricular activities that the learners are involved in, and this should be available at the office.
- The itinerary, attendees, dates, location, and event supervisors must be decided upon by the committee (for this purpose, committee refers to the stakeholders for this specific activity or event).
- Any costs or fees required for the activity are the responsibility or the parents if not subsidised by either the institution organising the activity or the school itself (transport, registration levies, entry fees, etc.).
- All extra-curricular activities and clubs must be organised with the safety of participants as the major consideration.
- The school will endeavour to send at least one adult per ten learners (rounded to the nearest ten) to all events/fixtures/outings.
- In the event of a student requiring immediate medical attention, the accompanying teacher should seek appropriate help and remain with the student until contact and arrangements have been made with parents/guardians.
- Strict adherence to any safety and health precautions associated with a particular activity is necessary.
- Parents or guardians need to sign indemnity forms for each event that takes learners off the school property. This will indemnify the school. The form should include:
- details for the parents of the event in question (venue, date, time)
- emergency contact numbers for each learner
- medical details (medical aid, allergies, medication etc.)
- the parent/guardian’s signature
- Where a student has been absent due to extra-curricular activities and subsequently fails to complete tasks assigned during class(es) they have missed, they may be referred to the disciplinary committee. It is at the discretion of the disciplinary committee, in consultation with parents, as to the procedure that will follow.
- Where a student, through their actions while taking part in extra-curricular activities, brings the school into disrepute, they will be referred to the disciplinary committee. In such situations students may, alongside normal school sanctions, be withdrawn from extra-curricular activities at the discretion of the disciplinary committee.
- If a student fails to attend extra-curricular activity meetings more than three times without valid reason, they may be withdrawn from the activity in question due to lack of commitment.
- A student may be excluded from extra-curricular activities if (a) their behaviour at school is guilty of misconduct, and/or (b) they are not putting adequate effort into their academics.
- The involvement of students in extra-curricular activities will enhance their holistic development. This is an opportunity for students of all levels to display their abilities in activities outside the curriculum
- On the orientation day, students will be made aware of all the extra-curricular activities available in the school and actively encouraged to participate.
- It is not the policy of the school to limit the number of extra-curricular activities students take part in, except in such cases where the learner cannot cope as may be decided by the disciplinary committee in consultation with parents.
- The school recommends that parents consider the potential impact on academic standards if students take part in a wide range of activities.
- The hostel should have a book or record of all the learners’ extra-curricular activities, to be able to account for the whereabouts of each learner. It’s the learners’ responsibility to inform the hostel staff of any changes or additional meetings.
- Snacks or meals must be provided for learners who have missed mealtimes due to an extra-curricular activity.
- Transport must arranged prior to the event or meeting if required.
- The teachers involved need to inform the hostel prior to the event if learners will need to stay at hostel over a weekend due to an event or activity.
- If parents plan to collect their children from an event, the hostel must be notified of the pick-up arrangements.
- Criteria is needs-based and must be made clear to learners per competition
- Criteria is subject-related, i.e. learners are able to participate in competitions that are relevant to their subject choices or interests.
- Learners participating in respective competitions must adhere to the rules and regulations as stipulated by the competition organisers.
- Learners must meet the requirements of the competition in order to participate.